
5 Ways AI Can And Cannot Help You With Your Content

5 Ways AI Can And Cannot Help You With Your Content

AI has become more and more powerful to assist your writing. Keep reading to find out to what extent an AI can and cannot help you with your content.

Artificial intelligence has taken the world by storm lately. Having ever-learning characteristics, AI has come a long way and convinced professionals of its implications in diverse areas, and content is no exception.

Content is king. It helps you connect with the right audience and enables you to get traction organically. That’s why content is the core of the strategies devised by 87% of marketing visionaries.

However, for content to work its magic, you have to ensure its relevance and be consistent with the creation process.

And by leveraging AI, you can consistently produce relevant content without having to onboard an army of writers and keep up with your demanding workflows.

Over the years, AI has become so powerful and refined that you won’t even notice the difference between an AI-generated copy and one created by a human. All it takes for you is to use the correct prompts to get the best results in response to your input.

However, despite being a fascinating piece of modern technology, AI has its limitations. It can facilitate the content creation process and save you a lot of time but can’t completely replace a skillful writer.

Here are the 5 ways AI can and cannot help you with your content.

The role of AI in content creation

Before diving into the strong suits and limitations of AI, let’s first explore the role of AI in the content creation process.

AI uses natural language processing to comprehend the prompts it receives from you to facilitate the content creation process. Based on the provided input, AI looks for relevant information on the internet and scans different data sources to create a response best suited to your query.

AI has the ability to streamline and improve the way you create content and revolutionize the process for good.

You can use AI for content suggestions and fine-tune your content strategy. It can help you evaluate your existing content performance and provide you with topic recommendations that have the potential to perform well.

AI can also help you generate relevant content for the intended audience. The current AI models are proficient enough to facilitate the creation of different content formats such as articles, guides, listicles, infographics, stories, scripts, emails, ad copies, and so on.

AI also helps you refine your new or previous content by giving you optimization recommendations. Based on the suggestions provided, you can increase your content performance by optimizing it as per the focus keyword(s) or improving overall readability.

AI can also help you create personalized content for your audience. Using customer insights, you can use AI to create messages tailored to individual preferences and drive better engagement or call to action.

Will AI be replacing writers?

The advancements in AI over the years have been worrisome for professional writers. Many are calling it the end of writing as a profession because soon AI will redefine writing as we know it.

However, that’s far from the truth. Despite all its advancements and improvements over the years, it’s less likely for AI to replace humans in creating content.

What distinguishes AI from humans is mainly emotional intelligence. You can generate comprehensive and coherent content leveraging AI. But, AI-generated content contains only facts and you’d need a human touch to make up for the lack of creativity and empathy.

There are many factors and experiences that shape writers’ ability to think and convey their message to the world. And that’s a major reason why not every writer has the same writing style.

AI, on the other hand, completely lacks emotions. So, the content it creates is neutral or bland and just provides you with relevant information in an organized fashion that suffices the prompts received as input.

There are certain areas in which humans can never surpass AI such as research. AI can crawl thousands of information sources in an instant and fetch relevant information instantly in an organized way.

However, humans possess certain traits that a machine can never have and can thus create more thought-provoking and engaging content compared to one generated by AI.

So, it would be safe to say that AI will help writers streamline the content creation process in the near future and refine their content strategies to yield better results. But, it’d be less likely for AI to completely replace writers in years to come.

Ways AI can and cannot help you with content

There is a number of ways AI can facilitate the content creation process. But, it also has certain limitations. Here are a few things AI can and cannot do when it comes to content.

Strong suits of AI

Let’s start off with the things AI can help you with when planning or creating content for your respective audience.

1. Idea generation

Creating relevant content is essential for you to connect with the right audience and capture quality leads by increasing your website traffic.

AI can help you find amazing topics that are best suited for your niche and help you target the right audience.

All you have to do is provide the required information such as the industry you operate in or potential focus keywords. AI will crawl the web instantly and fetch topics that websites similar to yours use for content creation.

Not only that but by using AI, you can also inquire about the intent of your potential keywords. The topics may require fine-tuning before they make it to your content calendar. But, AI makes one of the hectic processes in content creation simpler and lays out the groundwork for you.

2. Text content

Using correct prompts or input data, AI can help you create informative articles, eye-catching headlines, jaw-dropping product descriptions, interactive ad copies, engaging social media posts, customer emails, and so much more.

Any form of text content that you can think of, AI can help you create it in a matter of seconds. All it takes is the right input from your and enough details for AI to do its thing.

AI learns from existing data and uses that knowledge in real-time to create content best suited to your expectations using different patterns and relevant information accessed through the web.

3. Audio content

When it comes to leveraging AI for audio content creation, one of its common uses these days encompasses speech synthesis. Here, an AI algorithm helps you give voice to your words by converting your text into a voice or speech output.

TTS algorithm facilitates diverse use cases - enabling you to create a natural voiceover using your scripts for reviews, news broadcasts, podcasts, and more. The opposite of this is also possible where you can transcribe speech into text, create transcripts, and analyze audio content hassle-free.

You can also use AI to make improvements to your existing audio content and enhance its performance. But, that’s not all. AI can also help you compose and create music encompassing different styles and genres worldwide.

4. Visual content

AI can help you create visual content such as AI generated images and logos processing provided information. Using GANs algorithms AI can help you effortlessly create stunning visual content that can have diverse uses.

Not only can you generate images with AI but you can also optimize visual content to be better. Editing images can take a lot of time, especially when you’re working with complex content or multiple layers. But, AI makes the job easy for you by helping you automate the process.

You can also leverage AI for image recognition which is an amazing feature for content curation. Using this AI capability, you can maximize the efficiency of your social media marketing efforts by effortlessly generating suitable titles or captions for your visual content.

You can also create different variants of an image using AI’s image manipulation capability. Here, AI can help you create different images from the source material by changing certain attributes of the original content to best meet your requirements.

5. User-generated content

User-generated content influences the buying decisions of around 90% of customers compared to other forms of advertising. That’s why brands leverage social proof like reviews or testimonials to stimulate the purchase decisions of the intended audience.

This, however, is easier said than done as only 6% of customers are comfortable sharing their experiences. So, companies often reach out to them for their feedback and reviews which they can showcase to attract more customers.

This used to be a strenuous process but AI just made it a whole lot simpler. Now, you can automate email drip campaigns to effortlessly reach out to your customers for reviews. Moreover, with the help of AI, you can also filter user-generated content on autopilot and weed out spam or negative comments to promote a positive user experience.

AI can also help you with sentiment analysis. Here, you can leverage the technology to analyze the reviews, feedback, or comments received to assess how customers feel about the solutions you offer. This gives you meaningful insights about your customers and enables you to make informed decisions.

AI limitations

Now that we’ve explored things AI can help you with, let’s have a look at the limitations of AI with respect to content creation.

1. Original content

The more you get to know about AI and all the amazing things it can do, one can’t help but be in awe. It seems as if AI is an equal match for humans, if not better when it comes to content creation. However, that’s far from the truth.

There are so many things that AI can’t do due to its diverse limitations. And the most important one of them all is the lack of originality.

Artificial intelligence is unable to create original content. It is amazing at research and capable of exploring thousands of information sources in an instant. But, all AI can do is process the data gathered and give you an output as per the prompts or input received.

So, unlike humans, AI is unable to generate creative or original content on its own as it produces results based on its training and data patterns explored through research.

2. Complexity

Content generated by AI lacks complexity or depth due to the technology’s access to finite information resources.

For example, the training data of ChatGPT encompasses information till the year 2021. So, the tool is unable to include recent trends or data patterns in its research when you use it to create content.

Furthermore, the content generated by AI is quite bland and lacks exciting elements such as humor which can play a huge role in making your content relatable and engaging for your audience.

3. Information bias

Since the training models shape the output that AI generates, there’s a high chance for the technology to be biased towards a particular point of view when creating content.

Though AI can’t form an opinion on its own or simply pick a side, the training can dictate the way AI processes information and produces certain results.

Even humans are susceptible to bias based on their experiences or information intake over the years. However, we have the ability to keep our opinions aside and just lay out the facts for the audience based on the information gathered via research.

4. Emotional intelligence

AI lacks emotional intelligence. Based on its training, it can help you find answers to certain questions but cannot share personal experiences because it has none.

Since AI lacks emotions or consciousness, the content you generate through it won’t be best suited to connect with the intended audience because it’d lack empathy and personal touch. And that is one of the biggest limitations of AI.

5. Inconsistency

Even with access to vast amounts of data, AI is capable of making errors and being inconsistent with the output it generates in response to your queries.

So, even if you decide to leverage AI for content creation, you can’t simply set and forget as you’d have to vet the AI-generated responses yourself before sharing them with the intended audience.

When dealing with unstructured data, the content generated by AI can be of low quality, grammatically inaccurate, and even provide you with false information. So, it’s essential that you double-check AI-generated content before making it public.

It’s a wrap

There you have it. The 5 ways AI can and cannot help you with your content. Considering the strong suits of AI, there’s no denying that AI can make it easier for you to create relevant content. However, you can’t simply rely on artificial intelligence and expect it to replace a human mind.

Using AI, not only can you produce informative content but also a stellar content marketing strategy that helps you promote it. But, you’d need a human touch to fine-tune the end product in order to make it more relatable and appealing for your target audience.

Syed Balkhi is the founder of WPBeginner, the largest free WordPress resource site. With over 10 years of experience, he’s the leading WordPress expert in the industry. You can learn more about Syed and his portfolio of companies by following him on his social media networks.

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