
Make a Shift in Your Content Marketing Strategy During COVID-19 Crisis

Make a Shift in Your Content Marketing Strategy During COVID-19 Crisis

Content marketing has always played an important role in growing a brand and this foundational reality has not changed during COVID-19. Learn how content can get your business through these tough times?

“Content Marketing is all the Marketing that’s left.” ~Seth Godin

With the traditional marketing coming to a halt it is important that you give some extra attention to your digital marketing strategy. The outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic has brought to the world some really surprising and out-of-the-box ideas to talk about.

The best way to sugarcoat the situation is to say, it is difficult. The businesses around the world are being seriously hit by the pandemic and are finding ways to tackle the situation in the easiest way possible.

The Major Confusion

Here's a typical question on each advertiser's brain at this moment: in what capacity would it be advisable for us to discuss COVID-19...or should our business be sharing any substance identified with this in any case?

On the off chance that we do, how might the business look to my clients? What amount would it be a good idea for us to put resources into discussing coronavirus? Would it be a good idea for us to prepare for this theme in our substance system by any stretch of the imagination? 

These are amazingly reasonable inquiries to pose, and a great deal of the appropriate responses rely upon what you are attempting to accomplish from content showcasing. 

Content promoting is fundamental for some sorts of business. In any case, any substance is just in the same class as the objective behind it. So before accomplishing the leg work and putting resources into content, if it's not too much trouble pose these inquiries by and large as a group or business.

Some Major Questions Answered

1. What is the major goal of content marketing in the present scenario?

Well, these days businesses have shifted from luring new clients to holding the old ones. Most of the retail businesses are attempting to overcome any barrier and share with their clients about online contributions. Some other organizations are looking to drive haul trust in their image.

No matter what your story is, you need to understand what you want to convey to your audience and accomplish. The biggest mistake that you can commit is dive-into content marketing blank. Well, relax. The experts share here some of the most reliable and uber-cool content marketing goals to look forward to. 

  • Supporting and helping your clients through these testing times
  • Building long haul trust
  • Instructing the client on your industry
  • Connecting with clients in innovative manners
  • Engaging clients so they can make some great memories 

Looking deeply at your business, you may find some alternate strategies to grab these objectives. What we suggest is to have a content marketing strategy

2. Is it a good idea to veer off from our pre-COVID content promoting plans?

Well, this is a tough query to respond to. The best approach to this is by following what we call the estimation and end system. Here’s how this would work. 

  • Basically, you set out your pre-COVID plan and gauge what you'd have to contribute, make, and do given the present plan of things. 
  • Next, you dispose of whatever doesn't line up with your business objectives. 

If the target audience you are dealing with includes a group of people that is enduring, then most probably you’ll have to put a part of your budget on hold, tending to their resent needs, regardless of how excruciating it may be to invest energy re-working your procedure.

If the target audience isn't being affected as much hardship, and discussing recent developments isn't in-accordance with your image, you may have the option to keep delivering content as you typically would. 

3. Do I need to invest in a period touchy methodology over an evergreen technique?

How about closing the story at a common point? Putting resources into a period touchy content promotion procedure may enable your business to this moment, however it will also affect the ventures from plans you'd in any case seek after. 

The key here is to be inventive and discover a parity. You don't need to put a huge amount of cash in procuring and permitting developing when you should simply make. 

  • You can utilize basic help like Canva.com to do the plan leg work. 
  • You can utilize a help like Lumen5.com to repurpose your web journals into recordings without any problem. 
  • You can utilize destinations like pexels.com and unsplash.com to discover recordings and photographs for nothing. 
  • You can utilize free administrations like Loom.com or OBS studio to record outstanding instructive substance for your clients. 
  • You can utilize administrations like Biteable.com or Animoto.com to make thumb-halting recordings. 

Indeed, there's a fixed cost to everything. Also, this is the place balance comes in. One approach to do this is to make blog content with an increasingly broad concentration and incorporate a segment or a few proclamations that tie in the present circumstance to keep it pertinent. 

Content Marketing Trends That Have Emerged as a Result of Pandemic

“Good content is not storytelling. It’s telling your story well.” 

Numerous brands far and wide are making an awesome exhibition of supporting and drawing in individuals in their own imaginative ways. This has brought about some really influential content inclines, some of which were unbelievable a month back.

If you don’t believe the words check these three supercool trends.

#A Virtual Social Occasions

Organizations are facilitating virtual chit-chat hours for their employees; there are wellness and cooking classes on zoom and even virtual tours around the globe. The chance to meet up essentially is a pattern worth looking for. 

Virtual Tours

  • This can build brand liking exponentially and produce a great deal of buzz whenever done right.
  • Think about the organization Natural Light. 
  • They are facilitating a beginning for new alumni, all on the web.
  • Virtual social affairs like these can be your column content that establishes the framework of different types of substance for your business.

#B. Live Video Was Never More in Demand 

By any chance you are active on Instagram, you'd currently observe a few people going live.

From performers to humorists, live video has detonated as individuals isolate everywhere throughout the world. 

As indicated by Facebook, in Italy, explicitly, Facebook and Instagram live features multiplied in seven days. 

You might possibly have tried different things with live previously, yet this is an incredible chance to bounce in and begin making. If you think it is going to be a difficult call to make, then relax. Here are two plans to kick you off: 

  • Go live at a particular time - suppose around 7 pm - on committed days to share selective arrangements, tips, and deceives with individuals who tuned in.
  • Welcome a client for a mutual IG live where you can discuss them and your business with your crowd.

#C. Joint Effort Is the Key to Fruitful Substance Creation 

To be a winner at content marketing during these occasions, brands need to work together.

This thought reflects in the pattern we are seeing across businesses where individuals are meeting up to share what they are acceptable at. B2B organizations are sorting out master online classes, B2C organizations are working together with their clients or influencers to instruct, engage, and connect with their clients. 

Here are two plans to kick you off: 

  • Distinguish influencers in your industry and make a welcome just encounter for your clients.
  • Team up with miniaturized scale influencers and run an Instagram Live arrangement where you can share tips, stunts, and thoughts identified with your industry. 

Let your content marketing team assist you with refining your image story and specialty the suitable messages that your crowd needs to hear. In every one of these patterns, there's one basic topic: the substance of aiding and supporting individuals in all manners that can be thought of. 

What's more? This carries us to the most fundamental piece of the post. 

A Strong Focus on Positive Brand Messaging and Positioning 

At the point when we do come out of this pandemic, individuals will have a feeling of your business. This sense might be negative or positive, influenced only by the calls you took during these occasions. What you decide to do as a business right presently will reshape how you work together later on.

Content Marketing During COVID-19: Final Thoughts

“Traditional marketing and advertising tells the world you’re a rock star but Content Marketing shows the world that you are one.” 

COVID-19 is staying put and its effect will be felt for quite a long time to come. While that is a deplorable truth, there's a great deal we can do as marketers to guarantee our clients are protected, solid, and cared for.

Keep in mind, content that offers some benefit will never become unpopular. So proceed to make, and don't stress over the clamor. Just be confident to share your story with a pinch of compassion and responsibility and see how you get the best results for yourself.

Scarlett is a technical content writer and is associated with A3logics for over a couple of years. She has a keen interest in technology and is often found struggling with some unique topics for her upcoming projects. She is often found discussing the latest developments with the technical team. When not working on any of her writing projects, she is either reading any of the Agatha Christie mysteries or busy gardening.

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