
5 Key On-page SEO Hacks You Can Do in a Day

5 Key On-page SEO Hacks You Can Do in a Day

Many businesses struggle to rank above their competitors even after all the efforts,no wonder proving return on investment is the topmost SEO challenge. In this article, you will get to know about factors that affect on-page SEO up to the point, you can hack on-page SEO.

Businesses have seen the importance of being on digital channels. With people becoming more active online, businesses have tons of opportunities to convert search users. 

Here’s the question: How do you make you stand out amidst the digital noise? 

In today’s digital landscape, being on the first page of search results is a big deal - the kind of deal that you can’t pass up on. 

That’s why you need to return to the fundamentals to get your website right in front of your customers. And that is doing on-page SEO

But isn’t that hard to do? Not if you know which to focus on. 

While SEO can get technical in certain aspects, there are still some things you can do - even if you’re completely new to the field.

So, if you want to get started on ranking your website, here are some on-page SEO hacks that you can do in a day: 

1. Do a Quick Refresh of Your Page Titles and Descriptions

Estimated time of completion: 2 Hours 

Your Meta title and descriptions provide users with a quick view of what a specific page is about when they see it on search results. 

In short, these are like first impressions that customers get about your website. 

If your page titles and descriptions do not answer your customers’ query right away, you’re losing them to the next website on the search results. Plus, Google and search engines might also see a disconnect between the title and description with the content of the page, which may cause your site to rank lower.

If you’re starting to notice that people are clicking less on your page but you’re getting high impressions, it’s time to update your page titles and descriptions. 

Here are some pointers: 

  • Look at queries with high impressions but with a low click count on Google Search Console. List these down and optimize the title and description with these keywords.
  • Optimize for the users, meaning you need to make the title and descriptions engaging. Don’t just settle for generic titles and descriptions; give them a little flair to capture the attention of your customers.
  • Address a problem. Your titles and descriptions should be aligned with your target audience’s search intent. It should provide the information they need from the get-go. 

Pro-tip: Make sure you keep a tracker of the changes you’ve created so you can see if there’s an improvement in your clicks. 

2. Make Your Content Better

Estimated time of completion: 4 Hours 

Well-crafted content is one of the pillars of an effective on-page SEO strategy. After all, businesses engage their customers with content - whether it’s a blog post, an infographic, or a video. That is why you’ll find SEO services with content marketing as one of their offerings. 

However, it doesn’t stop once you have these already up on your website. 

You need to continuously optimize your content to make it relevant to what your audience is searching for. This also provides you with opportunities to upgrade content into potential cornerstone pieces. 

You can start by: 

  • Doing quick keyword research. Look at your top content pieces and see what queries are appearing on. Same with how you optimized your Meta title and descriptions, update your content with these keywords to start getting more impressions.
  • Update content to make it relevant to what your audience is looking for.
  • Remove pages with thin content. These can be pages that have duplicate content with others, or may not provide enough information that your audience needs. 

Pro-tip: Use Google Search Console, Ahrefs, and Buzzsumo to optimize your content. 

3. Optimize Your Headers

Estimated time of completion: 1 Hour 

Headers provide guidance for your audience when they’re scanning your content. These allow them to better understand the flow of information on your pages. Most importantly, headers help improve readability, which search engines love. 

Here are a few pointers to make your headers both user- and SEO-friendly: 

  • Use an H1 tag. Your H1 tag provides search engines and your visitors an overview of the content. Make sure your content only has one H1.
  • Add keywords to your headers. If you’re writing about a topic with a specific target keyword, include this keyword at least once in your headers.
  • Make your header tags as exciting and engaging as your content. These should prompt your audience to keep scrolling your page. 

Pro-tip: Experiment with your header tags. You can do a numbered list to better outline your content, especially for how-to blog posts. 

4. Make Sure You Have Structured Data

Estimated time of completion: 1 Hour 

Structured data has an indirect effect on your website’s ranking. This helps search engines better understand your website’s content and display your site to relevant queries, which, in turn, helps your site rank. 

This adds rich snippets to your website when it appears on search results. For instance, if you want users to view what customers think about your business, you can add the review or rating markup. 

Pro-tip: Structured data always come in code format. But, don’t worry. You don’t need to be an expert to add this to your site. You can use Yoast SEO plugin to generate structured data and automatically add it to your site. If you need further optimization for structured data, you can get this from digital marketing services. 

Estimated time of completion: 1 Hour 

Most people focus on building links externally or reaching out to other websites to acquire a backlink. However, it’s also just as important to make sure your inner pages are linked to one another. 

Building links internally helps your target audience establish contextual connection between pages. For instance, your website is offering clothes for women, you should be linking blog posts that are relevant to this product. 

Google and your visitors can see the relationship between these pages, which help make them understand what you’re offering and what value you provide. 

Here are a few pointers when building internal links: 

  • Start with your most important pages. Use links from blogs to support pages.
  • Don’t be random. Make sure the pages you’re linking are relevant to each other.
  • Use the right anchor texts. Do keyword research to determine which queries you can use as anchor texts for the links. 

Pro-tip: Internal links can help your SEO, but don’t go overboard. Make sure you only link to the right pages. 

Final Thoughts

Still think SEO is hard to do? Get started with the steps above, and you’ll find SEO is easy - and fun! 

There are tons of tools that make it easier to do SEO today, so you don't have to worry too much about how you can complete each task above. 

Now you can start seeing your website’s ranking climb and reap the benefits of having a strong online presence. 

This post was submitted by a TNS experts. Check out our Contributor page for details about how you can share your ideas on digital marketing, SEO, social media, growth hacking and content marketing with our audience.

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