
How To Use Explainer Videos For Getting the Maximum ROI?

How To Use Explainer Videos For Getting the Maximum ROI?

Video content has become a necessity for marketing, either to attract new audiences who are increasingly hungry for video content, or to catch up with your competitors. And among all of the contents, explainer videos stand out as one of the most impactful strategies; capable of engaging audiences, bringing awareness to your brand, and boosts conversions.

Explainer videos work incredibly well for many types of businesses, given the condition that it is a well-structured and original videos. There are over 3 billion internet users in the world today, and it is increasing rapidly. One interesting fact: Cisco predicts over 82% of total internet traffic will be videos by 2022. 

The above image represents what happens on the internet in a single second. If you carefully analyze the facts like 48 hours of videos uploaded, over 684k Facebook shared posts. So on, you can see the massive consumption of the content that includes the video. 

Today, you can quickly develop your explainer video with the help of free online animation software and upload it to some video-sharing platforms. However, publishing explainer videos and using those videos tactfully are two different subjects.

You can create a mind-boggling explainer videos, but you will not get the maximum revenue from that videos if you do not know how to use that content. 

How can I use explainer videos to maximize my revenue and profit?

Many people publish amazing videos, but the lack of knowledge to use those assets correctly costs them a lot. In this article section, I will show you some practical ways to use explainer videos to generate an influx of profit for your company. 

Without further ado, let’s take a look at some proven ways of using explainer videos:

1. Home Page

Home Page is a site's primary page, and it is crucial to engage your visitors once they land on your home page. It must be attractive and link to various other essential resources on your website

When someone lands on your site and knows nothing about your service, they would want to see what you have on offer for them. You can make an explainer video that explains what the visitors can expect from the site and what actions to take next.

Recommended: Tips for creating effective video tutorials

Make sure that you position your video on the right spot so that the visitors have no difficulty in finding it, and also attach a big play button. 

2. Put it right up there on the landing page

The study has found that adding a video to a landing page can increase the conversion rate by as high as 80%. By placing your explainer video on the landing page, you increase your conversion rate and reduce the bounce rate.

The chances are that the visitors will stay on your site for at least 2 minutes, assuming that your video length is around that length. 

Once the people watch that video, they will get an idea about what the product/service is all about, which will help them decide whether to take action or not.

Those interested in your product will have a better chance of purchasing a product/service once they understand what you are offering via your explainer video. 

Make a video like a product demo or a walkthrough video to help your potential customers understand more about the offer. 

3. Integrate it into your blog

By publishing a lengthy text-based blog, you will drive your visitors away from your site, which will lead to drastically reducing your “time on site”.

You will find that plenty of top blogs are now full of images along with videos to make people engage with the blog. Integrating the explainer video in your blog will make the content digestible, improve your brand image, and improve search engine rankings. 

4. Show your company’s values by publishing them on video-sharing platforms and social media platforms

Remember that you are promoting your offers to human beings with real feelings. In addition to sharing information about your product and service, you should keep the human factor in mind and share something about your company culture that might interest your visitors. 

You will build a relationship with your audience by doing that, which will eventually lead to an increment in trust that will boost your conversion rate. Try integrating the video on your “About Us” page. 

5. Use it for internal communication and training

One report revealed that poor communication costs organizations a whopping $37 billion annually. Your employees are disengaged because of the lack of motivation and knowledge of what organizations expect from them. 

We’ve discussed how explainer videos are useful in explaining complex concepts to your customers. You can use that same feature to train your employees to be more productive and produce better outcomes. 

6. Make your emails more powerful by inserting them into emails

Email is personal and one of the best and most personalized ways to communicate with your subscribers. However, your goal is not to sell your product and convey all important stuff via email. A longer email can bother your list at times.

By including an explainer video, you can direct your list to your landing page or a product page, which will help boost your revenue per email. You will observe a better click-through-rate after integrating an explainer video. 

7. Do not miss out on your social profiles

Your social profile defines your personality. By embedding an explainer video in your social profiles, you can better communicate your message with your audience without consuming much of their time.

Your viewers will appreciate your effort if you take an extra step to include a video in your social profile, and it will eventually reward you. 

You want to get as much return per dollar as possible if you run paid ads. Running a campaign without knowing what you are doing can waste your money quickly, so you want to do whatever is possible to get the best return on your investment. 

Boosting an animated explainer video can drastically enhance your return on investment if you target the right audience. Use explainer videos to communicate specific details to your audience so they will be eager to take action after watching the video. 

9. Presentation

The use of presentation is common in the business world, and we use it for many purposes, like when introducing a product, explaining the organization's progress, and so on. 

You can easily convey your message to your audience using an explainer video. The best part is that you will make the video do most of the talking while you will sit at the back and see the result of your presentation. 

The Takeaway:

The key to great success with your explainer videos relies on various factors; some factors are crucial, while others are not. Among all the elements, how you use the video plays a vital role in determining what kind of return you will get from your video marketing campaign

By completing this article, you put yourself ahead of others, as most people do not bother about this topic. 

Create enough videos to allow you to utilize those tools in many different ways to get the return you desire from the campaign. Are you satisfied with the ideas that I’ve provided to you? If yes, do share your thoughts along with some more insights that you have in your mind. 

Usman Raza is the co-founder of Christian Marketing Experts and marketing strategist working with various brands online, and the content marketing manager of a Los Angeles based Digital Marketing Agency and PSDtoWPService.com. He is devoted to helping small businesses bridge success gaps by providing in-depth, actionable advice on digital marketing, SEO, and small business growth.

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