
40 Technical SEO Mistakes to Avoid Weakening Your Rankings [Infographic]

40 Technical SEO Mistakes to Avoid Weakening Your Rankings [Infographic]

Have you ever thought about what is hampering your Google rankings? If no, here’s our take on 40 technical SEO mistakes that you should avoid at all costs to increase the chances of your content ranking higher on Google.

As we are all know, No one can make a website which is perfect and impeccable and sometime It’s quite difficult to develop an error free. Every time we are facing thousands of issues on the website while developing. After developing the website, when it's come to technical SEO mistakes then it difficult to resolve.

These below infographic will prove that creating an profitable and vigorous website is not much difficult task for beginners as well as  for experienced specialists. Semrush researched the data with their changed methodology and added some more dimension to make it superior.

"Semrush collected anonymous data on 100,000 websites and 450 million pages using semrush audit tool. - Semrush." They also determine the most common on-site technical and SEO mistakes and issues.

You can find out the issues category wise. Infographic divided into 3 parts:

  1. Crawlability
  2. Technical SEO
  3. On-page SEO

Semrush created mind blowing infographic that will contain 40 technical seo issues with the statistics(percentage) of that issue. There might be hundreds or even thousands of issues on your website but which issue do you found on your website. Check it out these infographic to boost your website performance.  


Krishna Patel is a Ex Digital Marketing Executive at Acquire and Jagat Media. She is also a blogger and writing about Digital Marketing and its new updates. She believes and always keeps trying to do something new. When Krishna steps out of office, she loves to spend time with loved ones. Feel free to follow Krishna on Twitter and LinkedIn.

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