
AR Companion: Bring your Print and Digital Publications to Life

AR Companion: Bring your Print and Digital Publications to Life

Augmented reality creates opportunities for print publicists and advertisers to adapt by bridging the gap between the digital and the physical. Learn how you can apply Augmented Reality in real life scenarios.

What if you could deeply experience a moment captured in a single picture? Or perhaps immerse yourself in the latest issues of VOGUE, The Economist, National Geographic, or The New Yorker? Augmented Reality has the capacity to enhance the real world with digital content. Meaning, all global brands from startups to SMEs and conglomerates have the power to unlock new ways to connect with their audiences. 

The inception of the print magazine in 1731 was revolutionary in its ability to feed the mass appetite of hungry consumers who wanted to keep up with the latest industry trends. For nearly 300 years, the ‘magazine’ has withstood wars, cultural movements and industrial and technological revolutions. It’s time for the revolution of the publication.

The development of augmented reality; generating interactive experiences of real-world environments by enhancing real-life objects with computer-generated perceptual information; has found its place in the marketer’s toolbox. Print content has never been so engaging. 

1. Augmented Reality Companion 

Essentially, it’s a ‘companion’ to your content. Interactive content marketing involves using content to engage audiences based on their participation. In some cases, they don’t necessarily have to do much- just kick back and revel in the experience. 

AR superimposes digital information on the physical environment of a user. Future-rich AR Companion Apps recognise visual cues in the physical world to run alongside your print and digital publications. Extending the reach and engagement through immersive editorial content, data visualization and even sponsored partner experiences. 

By bringing articles, headlines and images to life through interactive content, and giving sponsors and advertisers a unique opportunity to connect with readers; one can see the entertainment, growth and monetary appeal.

Blurring the line between offline and online content not only opens up new revenue streams, but also helps to bring ideas to life in ways previously unimaginable. It’s also forecast to play a fundamental role in marketing brands as innovation leaders by association. Advanced and engaging AR campaigns are the future. 

2. AR Companion in action

As with all technological advancements, the Augmented Reality scene is incredibly fast-paced. Whether you’re aiming to bring your print content to life or visualise your 3D products in the real world, AR has the unique ability to transform your real-life physical brand assets into engaging and interactive digital brand experiences. 

Take a look :

When it comes to print and digital copy, there’s only been so far you can take the user experience. Until now, readers could consume useful information, view images, watch videos and even participate in interactive quizzes, opinion polls and debates. AR companion takes the user experience further by allowing you to 

  • Scan pages to unlock exclusive content 
  • Include interactive page animation 
  • Integrate video 
  • Include live tv commercials
  • Feature 3D adverts 
  • Allow branded page takeovers 
  • Build-in social media tools
  • Create live web overlays 
  • Include in-ad purchasing
  • Tace full performance analytics 

Print content has never been so engaging and is perfectly demonstrated by Top Gear’s first Augmented Reality magazine. Engine Creative partnered with Aurasma and Top Gear to create the world's first fully augmented magazine. Using motion graphics to create seamless and engaging covers and editorial content that comes to life with the magic of augmented reality.

The results have been terrific and effectively pave the way for wide-spread application AR in digital and print publications. Top Gear has a monthly readership of 1.8 million people- and saw a boost in video views in the AR trial. Research showed that 50% of its readers had access to smartphones and 27% engaged with the video content

AR isn’t exclusive to the evolution of digital and print copy. In fact, it brings most content campaigns to life. Consider Pepsi Max’s London bus stop experience. They used AR to bring flying saucers, tigers and robots to life as part of its integrated campaign.

3. AR Companion in Events and Conferences 

Give your guests the most interactive experience before, during and after the event. Events and conferences have a tendency to be boring. Teaming up with a Companion AR App could be your solution to keeping your attendees attentive, engaged and inspired. 

Before your event, set out your venue map in 3D to allow your visitors to familiarise themselves with the conference layout before the event. It can also act as a guide and planner during your conference- to allow guests to see scheduled events or the locations of exhibitors- all in live time. 

Encourage your conference guests to get involved using AR technology. Networking doesn’t have to be so intense. Gamify the process of meeting people at your event by issuing exhibitors and speakers with unique symbols on their badges. Prompt attendees to ‘capture’ the symbols, earning points and sparking up meaningful conversations. 

My name is Daglar Cizmeci, and I’m a serial investor, founder and CEO with over 20 years’ industry experience in emerging tech, aviation, logistics and finance. I’ve graduated from the Wharton School and Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). Chairman at ACT Airlines, myTechnic and Mesmerise VR. CEO at Red Carpet Capital and Eastern Harmony. Co-Founder of Marsfields, ARQ and Repeat App.

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