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Welcome to the PLOS Editor Center

Everything you need as a prospective or current PLOS Editorial Board member

Code of Conduct for Editorial Board Members

Research Ethics & Integrity | Abide by the highest standards set by the scientific community and model them in your work for PLOS.

Selfless Editing & Peer Review | Facilitate peer review without self-interest. Avoid advancing your own work (for examples, see our full Code of Conduct). Recuse yourself from manuscripts where you have an actual, potential, or perceived conflict of interest.

Ethical Peer Review | Be aware of Ethics for Peer Reviewers and alert the journal to potentially unethical peer review practices.

Confidentiality | Don’t discuss research with outside parties before publication. Alert the journal to potential breaches of confidentiality.

Editorial Judgment & Quality | Support high-quality and timely peer review. Dedicate time to active manuscript editing.

Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion | Be aware of your own bias, including unconscious bias, and how it might affect your work. Be inclusive and encourage others to be as well. Take action to prevent bias toward any individual, group, or region.

Values in Action | Represent PLOS values and treat all individuals with kindness and respect. Report any instances of potential discrimination or harassment. Be mindful of how your editorial actions impact the careers and lives of authors and reviewers.

Affiliation | Declare all institutional and commercial affiliations when you join the Editorial Board, and notify the journal staff of any significant changes.

Read the full Code of Conduct for Editorial Board members.

All Editorial Board members must also comply with PLOS’ Standards for Professional Conduct.


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Read the Editorial and Publishing Policies for all PLOS journals.

Visit the sites below for journal-specific information for prospective and current Editorial Board members.

PLOS Biology

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PLOS Computational Biology

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PLOS Global Public Health

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PLOS Medicine

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PLOS Sustainability and Transformation

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PLOS Climate

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PLOS Digital Health

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PLOS Genetics

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PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases

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PLOS Pathogens

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PLOS Water

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