
LeadPages vs. Clickfunnel: A step-by-step comparison

LeadPages vs. Clickfunnel: A step-by-step comparison

In this guide, we are going to have a look at both of these market tools to help you figure out in-depth which suits you best. Let’s start with the basics.

Do you guys use click funnel and leadpages? Or are you searching for an unbiased review of leadpages vs. clickfunnels? Which one is robust or scalable?

Or you aren't sure whether to choose a clickfunnel or go with leadpages? 

These are some tough questions to answer, but you see, you've landed in the right place. In this guide, we are going to have a look at both of these market tools to help you figure out in-depth which suits you best. Let’s start with the basics.

1. What are leadpages?

The LeadPages helps audiences to connect with the small businesses, generate leads, and close sales using strategic combination of websites, landing pages, pop ups, alert bars, and beyond. A landing page is one of your websites where a new visitor lands on at first.

In layman terms, a landing page can be the an-email opt-in page, a sales page, your home page, be it a blog post, an "About Us" page, a product listing, or any other type of page you could drive direct traffic to…!

In the world of marketing, our goal is to create optimized landing pages to attract new visitors and help them understand our product. You may not generate the sales, but by offering the lead magnets, such as free ebooks or an email course, you can convert them from first-time visitors into email subscribers.

From there, you can nurture your leads until they become customers. However, you can continue nurturing until they become loyal clients and affiliate your brand. 

2. Leadpages features

Some drag-drop customization 

Say, you are a visual person and need to move or rearrange elements on the actual page, Leadpages have a drag and drop editor. 

The LeadPages were the first used as the page builder, but basically, the click-funnels pioneered the drag-and the drop editor, that everyone is nowadays trying to emulate. 

Killer Pre-built landing pages 

This is where the LeadPage stands out. They have a ton of pre-designed and pre-built pages and can swap out some text and images, and you are ready to go. And in this area, LeadPages paved the way. 

When the LeadPages first came out, they did not have a drag and drop editor. Instead, they had beautiful pages with limited customization. The LeadPages was an easy, quick, landing page builder that allowed you to knock out a page in 20 minutes. 

Lead notifications

Let's assume that you have created a Landing Page, but you have not set up the email marketing services for now. But none of your lead would slip from the crack. The leadpages is going to collect data and would send the details right to your inbox. But you need to remember that before you can market to them, you would require an email marketing service. 

Easy to Use Opt-in-pop-ups

In capturing leads, the popups are the proven methods. You can create several types of opt-ins including, the exit intent by using LeadPages' Leadboxes. You can even make use of their WordPress plugins or plant these Popups on your blog posts outside of the LeadPages. 

Split testing for your landing pages

You can perform the A/B testing on your landing pages, where you can swap out some elements to determine which one grabs your average visitors more. 

SMS sign-ups

Well, nobody wants to fight nail and tooth to sign-up for your list. You need to make it easy for them. LeadPages would give you an option for SMS sign up. You need to send them a text, and they can respond with an email address. That's it. They are signed up. This is called LeadDigits, and it's a quiet killer. Ask them to text you to get them on your list. 

3. What are clickfunnels?

It is a marketing software that enables you to create the conversion-optimized pages to use in your sales funnels. The ClickFunnels were developed by Russel Brunson, Internet Marketer, best selling author, and founder of DotCom Secrets. 

The ClickFunnels allows you to create both sales funnels and the landing pages, and through this, you can even run an email marketing service, track and manage affiliates, and also operate a membership site with ClickFunnels. 

Moreover, it's not compulsory that you have to be a designer and developer to create professional-quality webpages. And although it’s share funnels feature, you do not have to be an experienced marketer to create a successful sales funnel. 

4. Clickfunnels top features

Host your landing pages on clickfunnels

Your page is hosted with ClickFunnels in case you are using it, and you don't have to buy hosting with any other company. 

Get a custom domain

By using ClickFunnels, you can register a new custom domain, for instance, (www.YourNameHere.com). Besides, you can use the area you own already.

Use clickfunnels with wordpress.

In case you are fond of WordPress, then ClickFunnels would provide you with the WordPress plugins that would allow you to show your funnel pages on your blog– no coding compulsory.

Share Your Funnels with Others 

The funnels are fun with others, as well. You can create a marketing funnel or search a funnel or share it then use them to convert leads. This feature is useful if you teach others. 

Nurture Leads with The Built-in Email Autoresponder.

You can set up a series of automatic emails to warm leads and guide them towards further down the funnel. 

Segment Your Email List

You can group your email subscribers based on demographics, behavior, or their place in the sales funnel. This would allow you to send the kore target emails, which is going to increase the conversion rates. 

See Key Performance Metrics 

You can discover your top affiliate, track the conversion rates, and discover the health of your email campaigns, to name a few.

5. Leadpages vs. ClickFunnels (Which Is Better for your Client Lead Gen and Why)


Depending on the kind of tool you select, the client's perception can be affected for better or for worse. 


When we talk about the LeadPages' brands get affected on the way you sell your products, according to me, lead pages are the best choice. They are much more straightforward, casual, and also have a better content upgrade feature. 

Users could opt-in to get a free downloadable piece of content.

To be practical, if you wish to sell a prospect and they can immediately recognize where your site template is from (for instance; ClickFunnels), they are going to associate it with certain specific ideas related to that tool's brand. 

In case you are doubtful, let's think about the last time a company sold you a product. Was the design of the site played an important role in framing your decision?

Of course, it has to be.

That implies, without adding custom elements, your Leadpages templates can be more recognizable as well. You may not wish to be associated with the Leadpages brand yet, even if it is positioned a bit better in the marketplace. So here is the problem while plaguing both the Leadpages and the Clickfunnels.

Leadpages have more value-oriented content with a maximum focus on the content upgrades, as I have already mentioned. But, not only that, even their templates are less busy.


As compared to LeadPages, ClickFunnels' templates have a lot going on. Words are underlined or bolded everywhere you look. Moreover, many of the marketing consultants can quickly point out when they land on a ClickFunnels page. 

ClickFunnels brands themselves as "fun" through their different promotions and different demonstration videos. The customers can sense the fun in the way they present the product to marketers and startups with a heavy dose of humor.

On the other hand, LeadPages is more to-the-point.

Although, the hype of the product is about its usefulness or why anyone would wish to use it to grow their business. They focus more on customer support. 

The ClickFunnels prefers more massive promotion of sales message upfront. 

In case you are influenced by ClickFunnel, Speaking of its hype, you're not alone. 

For instance, Marketer Miles Beckler wrote a post about "how ClickFunnel affiliates sold him on the product." He mentions that they were "not describing the full story and painted ClickFunnels as a 'bug-free' stable solution with great support…which it is not actually. And their support is less than helpful…"

Beckler gave ClickFunnels the boot, describing a separate incident. 



Leadpages don't include an add-to-cart feature, as compared to ClickFunnels. They consist of other features like:

  • Automated webinars with templates
  • A landing page builder (below)
  • LeadDigits, which allows users to text a shortcode in order to get on to the email list.
  • LeadLinks, lets a user click on a link to get on to the email list instantly.  


They have the most critical feature that is the "membership feature" for logging in.

Besides, there are LOTS of other features as well:

Indeed, ClickFunnels has more features than Leadpages, but that's part of the problem as having more choices could have a negative impact on the decision we make. 

However, the UX Booth says it's indeed essential to prevent your customers from overthinking. Over at Kissmetrics, they report that sales could decline if a customer can't make up their mind.

To guide customers with their decision, Kissmetrics suggests:

  • A clean homepage something like Google's search homepage
  • Craft email newsletters on only one offer
  • Trimming social sharing options; you don't need to provide sharing links to make social media platforms less visible. 


When we talk about "ease-of-use" for both these tools, we can see how difficult it is to adapt to the new program or pass it off to the clients or other members of the team.


In a company, if you're working with hundreds of clients, that too over the past few years, but every time you have started with a client who had a ClickFunnels account, you would log in to their account, and your eyes would glaze over. It is just a sophisticated user interface with a LOT of features, as I mentioned in the previous point. 

For instance, Clay Collins, the founder of the Leadpages, thinks that it could be a mistake while trying to build the ultimate marketing product. And the reason being so many have already tried this and failed.

Such a product is complicated in its effort to be useful, and functional at the same time, and still have a good count of features.

As compared to Russell Brunson, the founder of the ClickFunnels is on the opposite end of the spectrum. 

That's the reason. If you go through the ClickFunnels' pricing page, you will see every feature is there.

But Leadpages limit their features on purpose by order of magnitude.

Yeah definitely, 

There's one clear CTA For every page, in order to avoid confusion.

Their funnel templates might be restrictive as compared to ClickFunnels, but a new drag-and-drop editor is there acting like a hero who solves that problem as well.

That "restriction" is a plus to allow you to get your landing pages and opt-ins up and to sprint.


ClickFunnels offers you maximum control over almost everything, but we can not always consider it as a positive thing. 

For instance, their interface can overwhelm the seasoned marketers.

You would most probably feel like they're deciding for you.

If you would ask any of the clients, who signed up for your done-for-you funnel service of ClickFunnels, he'd want to cancel his subscription reason being, he won't have the entire six months to learn its process. He probably wants results sooner than that.

That displays, while ClickFunnels may be marketed at something easy to use and start benefiting from, there is a steep learning curve for consultants who want instant results.


In nutshell  Leadpages' branding will not only enhance the value perception but also improve the conversion rate of your landing pages and your funnels, Moreover, collaborating with a company that has a more straightforward branding association, you're providing your business with a favor.

Leadpages' ease of use is refreshing and fun. Moreover, there's higher quality support with Leadpages, while ClickFunnels' features are a bit complex to use. Of the two, ClickFunnels has a more confusing interface. 

Are you convinced?

Or what do you think, what would suit you better? ClickFunnels or Leadpages after going through the article? 

Let us know your thoughts in the comment section below!  

Govind Sharma is a Digital Marketing expert providing his services to a highly acclaimed software engineering studio, Matellio. His passion resides in sharing knowledge with the world and grow by keeping abreast of the latest industry facets. He has crafted some of the brilliant informative write-ups that have received great commendation.

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